Does Your Employer Brand Attract Talented Parents and Carers?

Presented by

James Marsh,HRr; Jennifer Liston-Smith, MFC; Nikunj Upadhay, Barclays; Cassie Raine, PiPA; Yvonne Smyth, Hays

About this talk

In the competition to attract and retain talent across multiple generations, the best Employee Value Propositions include family-friendly benefits and policies. Inclusion of working parents and carers also plays a part in your overall consumer brand, corporate social responsibility perception as well as measures such as Gender Pay Gap reporting. • Nearly 61%* of women would take an organisation’s gender pay gap into consideration when looking for a new job. • Flexible working is the top benefit people look for when considering a new role, way beyond any other typical benefits.** • Women put parent and carer benefits second only to flexible working when considering a new role** With online comparison sites and social media further increasing transparency on employer culture, policies and benefits, prospective and existing employees have never been more aware or had more access to this level of information. And it matters to them! In this webinar hosted by James Marsh, we’re delighted to be joined by a strong panel of guests from Barclays, PiPA, Hays, recruiting experts worldwide, and My Family Care / Bright Horizons. Join us for a lively discussion, expert comment and some surprising insights into the value of family-friendly in your employer brand and talent attraction! *Survey of 2,515 UK employees by the Equality and Human Rights Commission ** My Family Care/Hydrogen Competitive advantage of flexible family friendly working report 2016
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