What ISO 5055 Means for Industry

Presented by

Dr. Bill Curtis, Paul Bentz, Katie Hart

About this talk

Join CISQ and learn about the new ISO 5055 standard and how it can be applied. The ISO 5055 standard can be applied in ANY industry. CISQ has just released ISO/IEC 5055 Automated source code Quality measures. This is the first international standard that divides the measurement of the structural quality of software based on detecting and counting the number of severe architectural and coding flaws in the code. These measures are valuable for improving the trustworthiness of applications as well as controlling the quality of software delivered by third parties. This webinar will describe how to use these measures and their benefits to a business. Learn from the point of view of CIO’s: -How you can put it into practice -Why ISO 5055 matters and how it can change
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The Object Management Group® (OMG®) is an international, open membership, not-for-profit technology standards consortium. Founded in 1989, OMG standards are driven by vendors, end-users, academic institutions, and government agencies.