Interoperability across Blockchain Ecosystems

Presented by

Mike Bennett, co-chair, OMG Blockchain Platform Special Interest Group

About this talk

The Object Management Group is exploring potential issues and opportunities for standardization across the world of distributed ledger or Blockchain ecosystems. Many of our members have expressed concerns about the challenges in managing complex information flows that interact with different Blockchain-based technologies, for example in supply chain management. The OMG believes that some of these issues may be mitigated by the development of one or more standards in this area, and has put out a ‘Request for Information’ (RFI) to gather more information on the challenges people are facing, concerns and potential solutions to interoperability questions – see The date for comments to be received on this is 1 February 2020. At this webinar we will present the insights we have gained so far and will describe what we believe are the dimensions of the interoperability problem. We believe the range of interoperability issues and potential solutions is quite broad, ranging from common semantics to technical infrastructure solutions, and we anticipate issuing at least one and possibly more ‘Requests for Proposals’ (RFPs) later in the year to capture best practice for solutions in this area. If you own part of the problem or any solutions in this area please come to this webinar and be prepared to share your insights and requirements.
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The Object Management Group® (OMG®) is an international, open membership, not-for-profit technology standards consortium. Founded in 1989, OMG
standards are driven by vendors, end-users, academic institutions, and government agencies.