Virtualization presents tremendous efficiency and service innovation opportunities for the telecom industry.
However, while most of the attention in the industry has focused on the virtualization of the functions themselves by leading networking hardware vendors, a greater challenge lies ahead for the telco aiming at orchestrating holistically services across these new architectures while still exploiting their legacy installed base.
The task is rendered even more complex as what used to be a standalone silo in legacy network architectures now has to be weaved into every service delivered and orchestrated by the telco for their clients: Security.
In this webinar we will focus on the specific challenges that come with orchestrating security as part of the network service (whether virtual or physical), and the associated end customer expectations on the matter (self-management portals, monitoring, big data analysis, remediation etc..).
We will also discuss the broader adoption of next generation orchestration technologies as they relate to security services and the need for channel empowerment through devops and agility and technology integration easiness, which may lead to a subset of open source communities/solutions in the industry.