How Many Tools Should it Take to Secure Your Entire Attack Surface

Presented by

Pablo Quiroga, Sr Director Product Management at Qualys ; Chris McManus, Sr Product Marketing Manager at Qualys

About this talk

According to Enterprise Strategy Group, 93% of organizations use at least three tools to inventory their cyber assets. That means three different sources to manage, three different UIs—and most importantly, three different interpretations of cyber risk. In this webinar, join Pablo Quiroga (Sr Director of Product Management) at Qualys for a review of the threat landscape and the market challenges driving this disjointed approach, and a roadmap to a simpler program, including:
  • Consolidating API-based CAASM tools, EASM scanners, and CMDB inventories to a single view of cyber risk
  • Multiplying risk factors that must be accounted for within a unified inventory
  • How to leverage a unified inventory to drive risk-based vulnerability management and streamlined remediation
Join us to take the first step in consolidating your attack surface coverage.
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