How to Rapidly Identify Assets at Risk to WannaCry Ransomware

Presented by

Jimmy Graham, Director of Product Management, Qualys and Mark Butler, Chief Information Security Officer, Qualys

About this talk

A major ransomware attack using a leaked NSA exploit known as “WannaCry” has hit more than 150 countries since May 12. More than 200,000 infections globally have been detected and the attack, which uses the WannaCry (WanaCrypt0r 2.0) ransomware, continues to spread. WannaCry utilizes the ETERNALBLUE exploit targeting newly disclosed vulnerabilities (MS17-010). Once leaked, it took only 28 days for this exploit to be used in a full-scale cyber attack. Organizations that scan for vulnerabilities only monthly or less frequently can still be at risk. During this webcast Jimmy Graham, Director of Product Management at Qualys, and Mark Butler, Chief Information Security Officer at Qualys, will discuss how to: • Patch and implement other mitigations for WannaCry • Detect and get full visibility on impacted assets for prompt remediation • Institute threat-prioritized remediation processes to mitigate current and future risks This webcast will include a live Q&A session.
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