Automated Compliance Assessment for RBI Cyber Security Guidelines

Presented by

Shailesh Athalye, Senior Manager, Compliance Research & Analysis, Qualys

About this talk

Perimeterless IT infrastructure and its security is now an integral part of the operational strategies of India’s financial institutions. But the number, frequency, and impact of cyber attacks on Indian financial institutions have increased substantially, underlining the urgent need for banks to develop robust cyber security measures, and assess their security posture on a continuous basis. The RBI Guidelines for Cyber Security assist financial institutions to achieve this through a new-era preventative security baseline. During this webcast, Shailesh Athalye, Qualys Senior Manager, Compliance Research and Analysis, will discuss how financial institutions can easily address both the technical & procedural elements of the RBI Guidelines for Cyber Security in an automated manner using the highly scalable Qualys Cloud Platform. This webcast will include a live Q&A session.
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