Artificial Intelligence – Addressing the Challenges of Today’s Data Scientists

Presented by

Jeff Reser, SUSE Solutions & Alessandro Festa, SUSE AI

About this talk

Recent events have taught us that processing and interpreting volumes of data is important for business continuity – whether on premises, in the cloud or at the edge. Enterprises are turning to AI, machine learning and analytics to make the right inferences from that data. However, they are challenged to get their AI project into production while satisfying all the requirements for being deployed across multiple environments with security and manageability. SUSE has a better way. Learn how to reduce the complexity of the AI infrastructure through a holistic approach spanning services, infrastructure and support. Join Jeff Reser (SUSE Solutions) and Alessandro Festa (SUSE Product Manager, AI) as they discuss the opportunities for AI and how other companies have applied the latest solutions to make a material impact to both customer service and their bottom line.
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