SMALL BYTES: How to Hold ISPs Accountable for Last-Mile Network Performance

Presented by

Alec Pinkham, AppNeta Product Team, Broadcom

About this talk

With employees in the office and at home, the requirements on IT to troubleshoot residential and last-mile ISP network issues is growing, even as inherent visibility into these networks remains lacking. Join to find out how active monitoring provides insight into employees’ local networks and last-mile ISP performance to help IT quickly understand the root cause of performance issues. So if that root cause is with an ISP, AppNeta by Broadcom can help you prove it. Broadcom is collecting your personal data when you submit such information as part of the BrightTALK registration process. Your personal data is processed according to Broadcom's Privacy Policy: When you interact with Broadcom, this serves as your authorization to BrightTALK to provide your contact information to Broadcom in order for Broadcom to follow up on your interaction.
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With a combination of real-time performance monitoring and machine-learning driven analytics, Broadcom Software’s DX NetOps comprehensively simplifies the management of today's complex network architectures through high scale, unified network monitoring enabling full-stack analytics for assuring traditional, and software-defined and cloud architectures.