Bringing private equity to retail investors

Presented by

Nick Fitzpatrick, Antoine Colson, Christian Edelmann, Whitney Lutgen, Jim Strang

About this talk

The ‘retailisation’ of private equity funds is becoming debated more and more as investment advisers and their clients seek to gain the same diversification and growth opportunities that large institutional investors can enjoy through allocations to ‘alternative’ assets. This webinar will focus on the barriers and the solutions to make this a reality. In a year when Brussels is reviewing the ‘AIFMD’ rules that apply to the marketing of alternative assets, could this be an opportunity to create the right regulatory framework for private equity’s expansion to retail investors? Might the EU’s so-far unloved ELTIF structure provide a solution? In the UK, could leveraging the investment trust structure also be an answer there? And then there is technology, such as tokenisation; might the digital revolution lead to important operational solutions?
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