In Situ High Speed NIR Imaging to Monitor Form Change and Drug Release from...

Presented by

Patrick Wray, Senior Research Investigator, BMS and Miriam Böhmler, Senior Applications Scientist at WITec GmbH

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Full Title: In Situ High Speed NIR Imaging to Monitor Form Change and Drug Release from Rapidly Disintegrating Tablets Presented by Patrick Wray, Senior Research Investigator at Bristol-Myers Squibb Spectroscopic imaging is a powerful chemically specific and spatially resolved approach which can be used to effectively monitor tablet dissolution. This work employs Raman mapping and Near Infrared (NIR) chemical imaging to examine drug release from model tablet formulations as complementary technologies. Modern pushbroom type NIR imaging systems allow extremely fast acquisition of chemical images. Consequently this allows us to study the chemical and physical changes which occur during drug release from rapidly disintegrating formulations. A custom designed flow through cell is used to carry out the tablet dissolutions in such a way that the sample is presented to the optics of the chemical imaging system being used. The cell is compatible for use with NIR, Raman and Mid IR spectrometers. Two types or formulations will be presented: Rapidly disintegrating formulations with varying amounts of super disintegrant and tablets containing a model drug exhibiting fast onset of disproportionation in pH neutral conditions. Followed by Cutting-edge Raman Imaging for New Advances in Pharmaceutics Presented by Dr. Miriam Böhmler, Senior Applications Scientist at WITec GmbH Confocal Raman imaging microscopy is a non-destructive chemical characterization method based on an energy shift in excitation light scattered by molecules or crystal lattices. This is known as the Raman effect and it can be detected by a spectrometer as a Raman peak within a Raman spectrum, which can serve as a “fingerprint” for individual materials in the sample.
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