Knovel and Engineering Village for Engineering Education

Presented by

Gill Brailsford

About this talk

Covid-19 has caused significant disruption in education worldwide, forcing Universities to adopt remote teaching methods. This change has especially impacted engineering and science education, where hands on experience and practical knowledge are not easily translated to the digital environment. However, hiring managers at major companies all suggest the need for students trained in research, project management, and technical writing skills. This webinar will focus on the use of Knovel and Engineering Village in the creation of laboratory methods, use of the tools for pilot plant and project management, and utilizing the tools to create short and long form reports to strengthen technical writing skills. We will demonstrate how educators can incorporate digital tools to provide students access to vetted and trustworthy content even while accessing them remotely, therefore, allowing for creative digital education methods while reinforcing the core competencies hiring managers look for in recent graduates.
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