Infrastructure and Virtualization Security

Presented by

Simon Leech (Director, Hewlett Packard Enterprise) and John B. Oseh (Information Security Consultant, Handensbanken Plc, UK)

About this talk

In this presentation we delve into the Infrastructure and Virtualization Security (IVS) domain, which comprises nine control specifications designed to guide both Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) and Cloud Service Customers (CSCs) in securing infrastructure and virtualization technologies. This domain covers the protection of hardware, software, networks, and facilities essential for delivering IT services, as well as the virtualization technologies that abstract hardware resources into virtual environments. Under the Shared Security Responsibility Model (SSRM), both CSPs and CSCs are typically responsible for implementing IVS controls. CSPs are generally tasked with securing the underlying infrastructure, including platform technologies (like hypervisors and virtual machines), network virtualization, and providing capabilities for resource planning. CSCs are responsible for securing their allocated resources within the virtualized environment, such as hardening guest operating systems, applying security patches, and managing access to platforms and control interfaces.
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