The Importance of Payment Optimization and a Multi-PSP Strategy

Presented by

John Noltensmeyer, CISO, TokenEx & Jeremy Layton, CEO, Verisave

About this talk

According to the Merchant Risk Council (MRC), 2023 Global Ecommerce Payments and Fraud Report, merchants are now using an average of 3.9 payment processors. It’s crucial now more than ever to optimize your payment processes, so that you can increase your authorization rates without introducing complexity. Join our hour-long webinar with TokenEx CISO, John Noltensmeyer, and Verisave CEO, Jeremy Layton, as they dive into how to manage a multi-PSP strategy and the benefits of owning your payment data to control your business growth. In this webinar, you’ll learn: 1. The current state of the payment landscape. 2. How to enable a multi-PSP strategy without introducing complexity. 3. Tactics for reducing your interchange fees and increasing your authorization rates
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