The advent of cloud has transformed from what was once just a buzzword several years ago, into the fundamental way that the IT organizations of today and tomorrow are supporting the business objectives and critical operations of the entire organization. Whether public or private sector, all have either made the transition into the cloud, or are in some state of change or advancement to it. During this keynote we'll explore these fundamental changes in IT and how “cloud” has transformed the landscape of rapid change. But with this change, come new challenges that organizations are faced with as they make their journey to the cloud. Particularly, rapid changes in the security threat landscape and challenges with multi-cloud environments while organizations retain legacy systems. As such, must there be considerations for planning, data protection, risk management, compliance, visibility, regulatory controls, legal implications, and long term resiliency of the business during these transitions. We'll explore these challenges and various solutions that businesses are taking to manage their cloud environments and to keep costs in line with expectations. We’ll delve into some of the key ways to ensure all teams across the entire organization are working in tandem to make the entire technical business structure stay up and running reliable. And explore the long-term and more immediate security and privacy needs to consider including rapidly evolving threats like ransomware, insider threats, and supply chain risks.