While the Cloud has been gaining in adoption for the last decade, the pandemic challenges of the last 2 years has made the move to the Cloud inevitable. The last 2 years have seen massive adoption of Cloud, Mobile Computing and telecommuting. Organizations went into an overdrive to move workloads to the Cloud and equip the workforce with laptops and remote access. This trend will only continue and a hybrid working environment will develop. However, this hybrid environment has widespread ramifications on information security, privacy and business continuity. This hybrid working environment has increased the attack surface and has forced organizations to be more "elastic" yet secure in meeting security demands. New approaches are required to meet these new challenges in information security, privacy and business continuity. Organizations will have to embrace concepts of Zero Trust and Cloud Security Controls. The increasing focus on privacy would need more emphasis on implementation of privacy by design. Organizations will have to move to the more mature model of "resilience" rather than the current model "business continuity".