Threat Intelligence is normally used to enrich the process of security assessment, providing proof on the enforcement of security controls required to be secure and compliant. As threat intelligence technology evolves, it has become more valuable and instrumental to security audit, providing needed context to the process of gap analysis, data collection, threat identification, and prioritization. During this session we will explore examples based on real world data where contextual threat intelligence can be applied directly to data security, compliance, and regulatory requirements in order to prioritize and accelerate the assessment process, obtain measure of business risk or liability, and reduce threats targeting the business.
During the presentation, you will learn the following:
• What Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is and why is it important for cybersecurity
• How to use CTI to prioritize system security gaps and enhance security posture.
• How to examine your Digital Footprint in order to help predict targeted threat patterns.
• Understanding of how to use CTI findings to accelerating risk assessment.