Coffee Chat with Cricket-Boosting Your Cyber Reputation While Minimizing Risk

Presented by

Cricket Liu: Chief DNS Architect, Infoblox Krupa Srivatsan: Director, Product Marketing, Infoblox

About this talk

Cyber reputation is at the forefront for many companies as work from anywhere continues and ransomware and supply chain attacks continue to dominate the headlines. Organizations are gravitating towards third party audits and security scoring to assess their own risk profile while evaluating the vendors in their supply chain. Further, as attacks continue to evolve, cyber insurance coverage is being sought out to minimize the financial impact and risk from cyber-attacks. Cost of cyber insurance can vary anywhere form low hundred thousand to millions of dollars per year, and insurance companies use security scores as a way to assess risk of applicants. If a company’s security score is high, chance of breach is considered lower, and they can get lower premiums from their cyber insurance company. In this Coffee Chat, we will discuss how DNS, being in the middle of Internet communications, can be used for minimizing risk from botnet infections, malware propagation, data exfiltration and C&C communications, thereby improving a company’s security score significantly. This higher security score leads to a better company brand image and lower insurance premiums.
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Infoblox unites networking and security to deliver unmatched performance and protection. Trusted by Fortune 100 companies and emerging innovators, we provide real-time visibility and control over who and what connects to your network, so your organization runs faster and stops threats earlier.