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The Role of ONNX in Accelerating Enterprise AI Adoption

The Role of ONNX in Accelerating Enterprise AI Adoption

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Janakiram MSV, Principal Analyst, Janakiram & Associates

Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is an open format built to represent machine learning models. It defines the building blocks of machine learning and
deep learning models and a common file format to enable AI developers to use models with various frameworks, tools, runtimes, and compilers. This
session demystifies ONNX and highlights its role in accelerating AI adoption among enterprises.

Implementing Deep Learning Models in Streaming Analytics Projects

Implementing Deep Learning Models in Streaming Analytics Projects

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Steven Allan, Senior Product Manager and Daniele Cazzari, Global Lead IoT, Edge and Cloud Analytics Solutions

Often the hardest part of a project is the “final mile” - getting deep learning models into production and yielding results. In order to accelerate this
process, you need an effective approach that supports ONNX (open neural network exchange) format models for inferencing -- allowing you to leverage
trained ONNX format models to implement streaming analytics in the cloud or at the edge. You can focus on training the most effective model for the prob…