Attend Summits on Ecommerce
Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
As AI and machine learning continue to create value streams across different industries and verticals, organizations are still looking for strategies to ease
adoption of these impactful technologies. With sometimes significant challenges to AI Integration needing to be overcome, this three day Summit of free tal…
Optimal Data Analytics
Unleash the power of augmented analytics to optimize core business processes, source new revenue streams, improve customer satisfaction and drive
long-term success
Customer Experience (CX) : la donnée client au cœur des stratégies IT et métiers des entreprises
Deux ans après l’accélération des activités digitales liée à la pandémie l’expérience clients (Customer Experience, CX) est au cœur des stratégies
commerciales des entreprises. De la mutation du CRM vers le marketing à l’analyse des sentiments en passant par la Custormer Data Platform, l’approche …
Inside ITSM & Digital Transformation
IDC predicts that direct Digital Transformation (DX) investment will reach $6.8 trillion in 2023, and already a key driver of an organization's DX journey, ITSM’s
role looks set to grow even more in 2022. Yet knowing how ITSM can help deliver a successful Digital Transformation initiative is different to understanding t…
AI Security in ITSM: AI Powered Systems & Closing Gaps in Vulnerabilities
ITSM has been helping businesses manage the risks of new security threats since its inception, but in 2022 it’s become clear that ITSM’s role in the fight
against ransomware, malware and hackers cannot be minimized. With businesses more at risk than ever before due to the digital economy most operate in…
Watch series about Ecommerce
Integration bytes: Weekly iPaaS series
We invite you to dive into the world of iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) with us. Our short, easy-to-digest webinars are more than just presentations;
they're a chance to learn how to leverage the Celigo platform to simplify, integrate, and automate your workflows in a way that's clear and personalized. …

Unlock the Power of AI
Follow our new AI Series to learn about AI, machine learning and vector database.

Power growth everywhere with Commerce Cloud
Scale commerce with confidence on the most complete platform.

Redis and Google Cloud, Better Together
Redis Enterprise Cloud integrates with Google Cloud to provide a fully managed real-time database-as-a-service to run, scale, and manage Redis for all your
data-driven applications.

Akamai Commerce Chats
Welcome to our Commerce industry chats series where each month we'll chat with industry experts about the latest cyber security, cloud compute and
performance trends.

Talk PIM to Me
Join Akeneo and Ventana Research for a series of virtual roundtables on Linkedin Live called Talk PIM to Me. This series is meant to tackle trends and
challenges we are hearing and seeing among retailers and brands in relation to omnichannel product experiences. Tune into these insightful sessions to lea…