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Strengthen Cyber Resilience and Meet NIS2 Requirements – with Strong, Fast Data Protection and Recovery Solutions

Strengthen Cyber Resilience and Meet NIS2 Requirements – with Strong, Fast Data Protection and
Recovery Solutions

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Roland Rosenau, SE Director EMEA, Quantum

3...2...1... Protect your data and your organisation from the consequences of ransomware and cyberattacks! The EU has introduced NIS2, a new directive to
improve cyber security across Europe. NIS2 extends the original NIS Directive and introduces stricter requirements for a wider range of organisations. This
means that many organisations will need to take action to comply or face potential penalties. Join our webinar and find out: ● What is NIS2 and how does i…

Protection des données critiques et conformité à la norme NIS-2

Protection des données critiques et conformité à la norme NIS-2

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Pascal Couzinet, Senior Presales Alliance Partner Manager, Quantum

Protection des données critiques et conformité à la norme NIS-2 - avec des solutions de sauvegarde et de restauration robustes et rapides ! 3...2...1...
Protégez vos données et votre entreprise contre les conséquences des ransomwares et des cyberattaques ! L'UE a introduit NIS-2, une nouvelle directive
visant à améliorer la cybersécurité dans toute l'Europe. NIS-2 étend la directive NIS initiale et introduit des exigences plus strictes pour un plus large éventa…

Data Lakes massifs et durables pour les workloads intensifs et l'archivage à long terme

Data Lakes massifs et durables pour les workloads intensifs et l'archivage à long terme

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Pascal Couzinet, Senior Presales Alliance Partner Manager, Quantum

Découvrez comment libérer tout le potentiel de vos données dans cette plongée approfondie dans la construction et la gestion de "Data Lakes" (lacs de
données) évolutifs, efficaces et durables sur le plan environnemental. Ce webinaire explore comment les organisations peuvent faire face aux demandes
croissantes des charges de travail intensives en données et des applications d'IA tout en maintenant un engagement en faveur de la durabilité et en amélio…

Securely Archive and Protect Documents with DocuWare

Securely Archive and Protect Documents with DocuWare

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Forgetful employees and misplaced documents can mean disaster for your company. Who's going to come to the rescue? Look! It's DocuWare here to
save your business! With DocuWare you can securely upload, sort, and store your digital documents in a way that makes sure they are never lost or stolen
and can only be accessed by the people who needed to see them. That means protection against not just mistakes but also hacking attempts and natural…

Trends in Data Protection: What Customers Are No Longer Asking

Trends in Data Protection: What Customers Are No Longer Asking

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Sanam Mittal, VP of Engineering; Steve Wright, Product Manager

In an era where data is the new oil, the stakes for protecting it have never been higher. Customers are no longer only focused on traditional data protection
priorities like completing backups within a window—they’re laser-focused on recovery speed and cyber resilience. Join Sanam Mittal, General Manager and
VP of Quantum’s DXi backup product line, as he dives into how the data protection landscape has evolved and what organizations are now prioritizing in the…

Taking Back Control: Data Repatriation and the Rise of Private Cloud

Taking Back Control: Data Repatriation and the Rise of Private Cloud

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Roland Rosenau, SE Director EMEA, Quantum

As enterprises reassess public cloud strategies due to rising costs, security concerns and evolving data sovereignty regulations, many are moving critical
workloads and unstructured data back on-premises. In this webinar, we will explore how to build high-performance, scalable private clouds and hybrid
architectures. Learn how the right combination of storage and data management solutions can help reduce TCO, secure sensitive data and support AI and …

Optimizing FAIR Data and Storage Management for High Throughput Pipelines in Life Science Environments

Optimizing FAIR Data and Storage Management for High Throughput Pipelines in Life Science

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Timothy Sherbak, Enterprise Products and Solutions, Quantum; John Leonardini, Principal Storage Engineer, Eikon Therapeutics

The application of high throughput screening and machine learning in life sciences, particularly in genomics, drug discovery, personalized medicine, and
biomedical imaging, is generating unprecedented amounts of data that must be preserved effectively forever. This data explosion necessitates robust,
scalable storage solutions to accommodate vast datasets and support AI-driven analysis with FAIR data presentation. Join us as we talk with John Leonardin…

Schutz kritischer Daten und NIS-2-Compliance - mit robusten, schnellen Backup- und Recovery-Lösungen

Schutz kritischer Daten und NIS-2-Compliance - mit robusten, schnellen Backup- und

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Ines Wolf, Manager Presales CE, Bernhard Kölbl, Presales SE, Quantum

3...2...1... Schützen Sie Ihre Daten und Ihr Unternehmen vor den Folgen von Ransomware und Cyberangriffen! Die EU hat NIS-2 eingeführt, eine neue
Richtlinie zur Verbesserung der Cybersicherheit in ganz Europa. NIS-2 erweitert die ursprüngliche NIS-Richtlinie und führt strengere Anforderungen für eine
breitere Palette von Unternehmen ein. Dies bedeutet, dass viele Unternehmen Maßnahmen ergreifen müssen, um die Anforderungen zu erfüllen, oder mit …

Opti9 Tech Talks | Exploring the Benefits of Cloud Object Storage for the Media + Entertainment Industry

Opti9 Tech Talks | Exploring the Benefits of Cloud Object Storage for the Media + Entertainment Industry

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Cory Mac Donell, Director of Business Development, Opti9 + Troy Liljedahl, Director, Solutions Engineering, Backblaze

Opti9's Cory Mac Donell and Backblaze’s Troy Liljedahl chat about cloud object storage for the media and entertainment industry. With data volumes growing
exponentially, organizations need cost-effective, scalable solutions to manage, protect, and access their content. In this 30-minute Tech Talk, our experts
explore how Backblaze seamlessly integrates with industry workflows, helping M&E businesses optimize storage costs without sacrificing performance. Wh…

Plus de flexibilité, sécurité & de souveraineté des données avec le cloud hybride

Plus de flexibilité, sécurité & de souveraineté des données avec le cloud hybride

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Pascal Couzinet, Senior Presales Alliance Partner Manager, Quantum

Compte tenu des énormes quantités de données qui doivent être stockées, les entreprises utilisent des ressources dans le cloud public et privé, en fonction
de leur budget, de la fréquence d'accès aux données et de leurs exigences en matière de protection des données. Les technologies et les exigences
réglementaires évoluant, les organisations doivent constamment réévaluer leurs stratégies de gestion des données pour rester à la pointe du progrès. Par …