Featured Episode
Top Ways to Differentiate Your Business!
Why should customers choose you over your competition for SonicWall cybersecurity protection? That’s at the core of your marketing, and your brand! Join
us at Café Biz on August 20, 2024, to find effective strategies for marketing your brand and services with SonicWall’s help!"
All episodes
DateRecession Proof Your Business – Unlocking E-Rate Dollars & Opportunities
Michelle Ragusa-McBain and Loren Wiege of SonicWall; Holly Davis, Komplement Consulting; Ken Fletcher, QTI.
Education Rate, more commonly known as E-Rate, is a Federal program that provides schools, libraries, and consortia funding. The E-rate program provides
discounted telecommunications, Internet access, and internal connections to eligible schools, funded by the Universal Service Fund. The FCC has ann
Communicate to Influence: The power of public speaking at events & with clients
Michelle Ragusa-McBain, VP, Global Channel Chief; David Brown, Dr of Strategic Partnerships and Danny Brown. Pres., AppMeetup
Engage with industry experts who have mastered the fine art of public speaking and leveraging a successful plan for networking events. This webinar is
tailor-made for Service Providers seeking the ultimate networking edge. • Explore the transformative impact of effective public speaking • Unlock tip
Learn How Cyber Insurance Requirements are Accelerating Cyber Technology Spend
Michelle Ragusa-McBain, VP, Global Channel Chief, SonicWall and Larry Meador, Channel Chief, DataStream Insurance
You've heard the saying, "It's not if, but when" cybercriminals strike. It's all too true, especially for SMBs. In the latest SonicWall threat report, we unveil an
escalating landscape endangering businesses of all scales. Most IT security service providers, MSPs and MSSPs understand that while mastering prev
Cafe Biz: 7 Ways To Double Sales & Clients WITHOUT Spending A Dime On Marketing
Michelle Ragusa-McBain, VP, Global Channel Chief, SonicWall and Robin Robins, CEO and Founder, TMT
We're going beyond the boundaries of cybersecurity with our new webinar series dedicated to helping our valued partners grow their businesses! This is a
must-watch for our Cafe Biz Series! This is the ultimate MSP marketing blueprint where you’ll discover 6 cost-free ways to get more leads, turn prosp
Join Global Thought Leaders for SonicWall Channel Forecast 2024
Carolyn April, CompTIA | Debbie Kane, Channel Futures | Jay McBain, Canalys | Beth Vanni, IPED, The Channel Co.
82% of companies invested more in partnerships in 2023, and the Cybersecurity industry grew by 20%. With economic uncertainty and restricted spending,
we see a major transformation in how companies go to market. New customer buying journeys, integrated solutions, surging subscription programs,
Count Her In: Accelerating Diversity Equity & Inclusion Through Empowerment
G. Schuster, Ontinue | K. Rose, getWise | H.Tenuto, The Muse | M. Rosales-Peterson, Intelisys | C. Gholston PartnerTap
Celebrate International Women’s Day on Friday, March 8! Join our panel of inspiring, informed, and incredible women from around the world by attending
Café Biz hosted by SonicWall’s Women in Technology! Be part of the conversation as we discuss: · The power of mentorship and allyship · Ac
SonicWall & You: New Era, New Opportunities
VP Global Channel Chief Michelle Ragusa-McBain; CSO, Cloud Securities Den Jones; SVP, Managed Security Services Michael Crean
We’ve advanced our technology roadmap, giving you better offerings and providing the right people to help accelerate your business, security and
profitability. Join SonicWall CSO, Cloud Securities Den Jones; SVP, Managed Security Services Michael Crean; and VP, Global Channel Chief Michelle Ra
Top Ways to Differentiate Your Business!
Michelle Ragusa-McBain - VP, Global Channel Chief, SonicWall & Jennifer Bleam - MSP Sales Revolution
Why should customers choose you over your competition for SonicWall cybersecurity protection? That’s at the core of your marketing, and your brand! Join
us at Café Biz on August 20, 2024, to find effective strategies for marketing your brand and services with SonicWall’s help!"