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Prometheus Group

Powering Connected Enterprise Asset Management Solutions

Prometheus Group is a leading global provider of comprehensive and intuitive enterprise asset management software solutions that work within enterprise
resource planning systems and span the full work management life cycle for both maintenance and operations. Developed jointly with end users, Pro
  • 829 Subscribers
  • 14 talks
  • 1 series

Powering Connected Enterprise Asset Management Solutions

Prometheus Group is a leading global provider of comprehensive and intuitive enterprise asset management software solutions that work within enterprise
resource planning systems and span the full work management life cycle for both maintenance and operations. Developed jointly with end users, Pro
  • 829 Subscribers
  • 14 talks
  • 1 series

On-demand talks

Show the Financial Impact of Potential Asset Failures and Address Issues Early

Show the Financial Impact of Potential Asset Failures and Address Issues Early

At most organizations, it can feel like maintenance and operations are at odds. Operations cares about keeping production running and maintenance wants
to stop production to perform work to prevent costly asset failures.

Predictive Maintenance: From Fantasy to Reality

Predictive Maintenance: From Fantasy to Reality

For every organization, predictive maintenance is the goal. However, achieving a predictive maintenance state is easier said than done. Fortunately, with
the correct asset performance management tool, you can take complex sensor data and turn it into actionable maintenance work orders to address issues
early, before they become costly asset failures.

7 Ways Poor Master Data Negatively Impacts Your Company

7 Ways Poor Master Data Negatively Impacts Your Company

Poor master data quality in enterprise asset management can lead to significant operational, financial, and safety risks. This webinar explores the critical
importance of maintaining accurate and consistent master data. We'll examine how subpar data management can result in decreased asset reliability,
inefficient maintenance, increased costs, safety compliance issues, impaired decision-making, longer training periods, and challenges in performance tracki…

Build a Business Case for Master Data Quality in Asset Intensive Organizations

Build a Business Case for Master Data Quality in Asset Intensive Organizations

Many maintenance and operations teams know they need better data. However, in order to get your organization’s buy in to improve your master data, you
still need to present a compelling business case. In our webinar, we walk through the current landscape of master data projects and things to consider
when developing your business case. We’ll discuss challenges organizations face with poor master data quality, how to quantify the costs of poor data qu…

Improving Your Asset Reliability Through Predictive Maintenance

Improving Your Asset Reliability Through Predictive Maintenance

Despite having both asset performance management and maintenance execution processes in place, most organizations still face inefficiencies, increased
costs, and increased risks. This is because these processes are often disconnected and not completely aligned. To tackle these challenges, organizations
need a cohesive maintenance and operations approach that allows them to share and connect information across departments, while maintaining one sour…

Want To Increase Maintenance Productivity? Master Data Is the Key

Want To Increase Maintenance Productivity? Master Data Is the Key

Many organizations struggle with disorganized and unreliable master data, which hinders their ability to make informed choices, efficiently allocate resources,
and proactively execute strategies. Fortunately, there are ways to clean and standardize your master data to improve its reliability and accuracy. With
improved master data, you can make strategic decisions and ultimately improve the productivity of your entire maintenance department. In this webinar,…

Master Data Best Practices: Why Data You Don’t Trust Is Not Really Data

Master Data Best Practices: Why Data You Don’t Trust Is Not Really Data

While good data can be your most strategic asset, bad data can be catastrophic. Research has found that 84% of CEOs are concerned about the integrity of
the data, while 91% of organizations have not reached “transformational” levels of maturity in data and analytics. Data you don’t trust is not really data.
Dirty data can result in costly errors in material procurement, poor maintenance management, and excess inventory carrying costs. Master data, such as f…

Reducing Asset Failures and Costs with Asset Performance Management (APM)

Reducing Asset Failures and Costs with Asset Performance Management (APM)

Many companies want to maximize their maintenance reliability but have sensor data they aren’t able to utilize, analyze, and quickly act. Without timely and
actionable findings, this sensor data goes wasted or turns into operational noise. However, with the Prometheus APM solution, you can take all of that sensor
data and turn it into a manageable number of actionable steps rather than a lot of alarms and alerts that eventually are ignored. With Prometheus APM, co…
