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Three Steps to Creating Enterprise Value with Generative AI
Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize businesses by adding over $4 trillion to the global economy. This figure could even double if the impact of
embedding generative AI into software is considered. To maximize this opportunity, businesses need to move from proofs of concept (POCs) to production …
On-demand talks
Three Steps to Creating Enterprise Value with Generative AI
Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize businesses by adding over $4 trillion to the global economy. This figure could even double if the impact of
embedding generative AI into software is considered. To maximize this opportunity, businesses need to move from proofs of concept (POCs) to production
quickly and cost-effectively. This requires integrating generative AI into decision-making processes and establishing a trusted AI ecosystem. By doing so, bu…
Leadership and Decision-Making in the Era of Generative AI
For decades, organizations have sought to improve leadership and decision-making through data-driven capabilities that synthesized information and
delivered insights. Now, generative AI has unlocked new opportunities for organizations to increase productivity, innovate faster, and outpace the
competition. To better understand how organizations can lead in the era of generative AI, Teradata and IDC surveyed 900 organizations across the globe, f…