Latest Talk
Securing the Exit Door: Identity Management for Departing Personnel
This technical talk from Zilla Security series is for anyone involved in the complex world of identity and security management. Join Dan Peterson, a product
strategist at Zillow with over three decades of industry experience, as he delves into the perils of leaving application infrastructure accounts active or overl…
On-demand talks

Securing the Exit Door: Identity Management for Departing Personnel
This technical talk from Zilla Security series is for anyone involved in the complex world of identity and security management. Join Dan Peterson, a product
strategist at Zillow with over three decades of industry experience, as he delves into the perils of leaving application infrastructure accounts active or
overlooking the existence of orphaned accounts. The talk underscores the urgency of dealing with these issues by referencing real-life incidents, such as t…

Segregation of Duties
In this must-watch presentation, Dan Peterson, a Senior Advisor and Product Strategist at Zilla Security, leads an insightful discussion on the topic of identity
security best practices. Delving into the segregation of duties and automatic remediation, Peterson unravels the complexities of these subjects, revealing the
challenges and best practices associated with them. With his vast experience in access governance and identity security, Peterson illustrates the real-world…

Beyond User Accounts: A Deep Dive into Service Account Security
Managing service accounts effectively is key to safeguarding your organization's systems and data. This insightful talk explores best practices around
managing service accounts and highlights the risks and challenges involved if they are not handled correctly. The presenter offers a wealth of practical
advice, covering everything from establishing an inventory of accounts to assigning responsibility for each one. The talk also underscores the importance of…

Tech Talk: Evolving Identity Security Best Practices
This talk is part of Zilla Security's series on identity and security best practices, providing insights into modern security challenges and the solutions offered by
the Zilla platform. Join Dan Peterson, a product strategist at Zilla Security, for an introduction to the evolving best practices in identity and security
management. With an increasing number of data breaches rooted in identity and access risks, there is a critical need for improved access governance. Zill…

Bulletproofing Your AWS Infrastructure: 6 Must-Know Security Best Practices
In this tech talk, Zilla Sales Engineer Marco Palella discusses six best practices you can apply immediately to protect your AWS infrastructure. They were
developed by AWS based on extensive research using Amazon GuardDuty, which uses machine learning, anomaly detection, and threat findings to alert users
on potentially unauthorized access and malicious attacks.