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One Intelligence Platform for cyber, geopolitical and physical risk

Silobreaker is a leading security and threat intelligence technology company, that provides powerful insights on emerging risks and opportunities in near-real
time. It automates the collection, aggregation and analysis of data from open and dark web sources in a single platform, allowing intelligence teams
  • 4,127 Subscribers
  • 19 talks

One Intelligence Platform for cyber, geopolitical and physical risk

Silobreaker is a leading security and threat intelligence technology company, that provides powerful insights on emerging risks and opportunities in near-real
time. It automates the collection, aggregation and analysis of data from open and dark web sources in a single platform, allowing intelligence teams
  • 4,127 Subscribers
  • 19 talks

Upcoming talks

Measuring the impact of threat intelligence to justify risk mitigation spend

Measuring the impact of threat intelligence to justify risk mitigation spend

Organisations are increasingly leveraging threat intelligence to counter rising threats – subscribing to up to 26 commercial feeds on average, according to
Forrester's 2024 Security Survey. Yet pinpointing the right metrics to demonstrate the value and effectiveness of this intelligence remains a significant
challenge. In this webinar, Andy Grayland, CISO at Silobreaker, and guest speaker Brian Wrozek, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, will discuss how to…