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Dotmatics: Harmonizing Science & Data to Create a Better Future

Dotmatics has created the world’s most comprehensive digital science platform – best-of-breed software applications already used by more than 2 million
scientists, together in a single ecosystem united by a powerful, flexible enterprise data platform. More than 2 million scientists and 10,000 customers
  • 259 Subscribers
  • 4 talks

Dotmatics: Harmonizing Science & Data to Create a Better Future

Dotmatics has created the world’s most comprehensive digital science platform – best-of-breed software applications already used by more than 2 million
scientists, together in a single ecosystem united by a powerful, flexible enterprise data platform. More than 2 million scientists and 10,000 customers
  • 259 Subscribers
  • 4 talks

On-demand talks

Are you Ready for the Renaissance in Small Molecule Drug Discovery?

Are you Ready for the Renaissance in Small Molecule Drug Discovery?

At first glance, it might seem that small molecule discovery has reached a plateau. In reality, the truth couldn’t be more different. With small molecules
making up over 60% of new drug approvals in 2021, it’s clear that the appetite for progression and potential for innovation is huge. The renaissance of small
molecule drug discovery means one thing for certain: the race to explore uncharted biologically active chemical space is on.  Promising as the future looks…

Identification, Screening, and Selection of Antibodies of Interest

Identification, Screening, and Selection of Antibodies of Interest

The process of selecting candidates for screening, performing analysis, and associating assay data with sequences is often cumbersome and time-consuming
for scientists. In this webinar, we'll showcase the power of the Dotmatics platform by exploring how three scientists created a collaborative, automated, and
simplified workflow to expedite the antibody selection process.

Reduce Risk, Cost and Time in the New Era of Small Molecule Drug Discovery

Reduce Risk, Cost and Time in the New Era of Small Molecule Drug Discovery

With the renaissance of Small Molecule Drug Discovery, the race to explore uncharted biologically active chemical space is on. However, the process of
discovery has multiple challenges that have an impact on time, cost and risk to any Biotech working towards a therapeutic breakthrough. Discover the
challenges and how to remove avoidable risks, costs and time to accelerate your path to discovery.

Chemicals & Materials Strategies for Data-Driven R&D

Chemicals & Materials Strategies for Data-Driven R&D

One of the unique features of the Dotmatics platform is the fact that it covers the entire DMT (Design, Make, Test) innovation cycle. This implements
workflows, simplifies how researchers are getting work done, and supports data access for decision support and data modeling (AI/ML). Watch this webinar
for a hands-on demonstration of the Dotmatics platform with examples of formulations, sample management, lab data automation, and data analytics.