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Maximizing Mobility: How Containers Are Changing the Game
Implementing a new technology infrastructure doesn’t need to mean leaving behind all your legacy applications — but it could, if your migration strategy isn’t
up to scratch. The classic “lift and shift” approach may not hold up when porting a legacy application to a new cloud or virtualization platform; this often dr…
On-demand talks

Maximizing Mobility: How Containers Are Changing the Game
Implementing a new technology infrastructure doesn’t need to mean leaving behind all your legacy applications — but it could, if your migration strategy isn’t
up to scratch. The classic “lift and shift” approach may not hold up when porting a legacy application to a new cloud or virtualization platform; this often
drains time and resources, while restricting you from taking full advantage of cloud benefits like infinite scalability. Instead, companies should be looking at …

When Disaster Strikes: How to Solve Recovery Nightmares for Good
Despite best efforts, it is impossible to eliminate every risk to your organization’s technology infrastructure. At some point, whether through natural disaster,
infrastructure failure, or an external threat like ransomware, your recovery protocol will be put to the test — and the stakes are high. Slow or incomplete
recoveries create poor customer experiences, damage company reputations and prevent employees from performing their responsibilities. In today’s land…

Protect, Detect, Recover: The Three-Pronged Guide to Tackling Ransomware
The digital transformation era hasn’t just been embraced by corporations, but by cybercriminals as well. With more employees working remotely, more
mobile devices being used for work activity, and more data being stored than ever before, company infrastructures are increasingly vulnerable to
ransomware attacks. Data shows that these attacks have grown in number and cost since the beginning of the pandemic; the cost of an average individual …

When Disaster Strikes: How to Solve Recovery Nightmares for Good
Despite best efforts, it is impossible to eliminate every risk to your organization’s technology infrastructure. At some point, whether through natural disaster,
infrastructure failure, or an external threat like ransomware, your recovery protocol will be put to the test — and the stakes are high. Slow or incomplete
recoveries create poor customer experiences, damage company reputations and prevent employees from performing their responsibilities. In today’s land…

4 Metrics To Boost Your Cloud-Native Application Resiliency
IDC expects net-new cloud-native deployments to increase from 10% in 2020 to 70% in 2024 due to the rapid adoption of microservices and containers.
Despite the extraordinary benefits enterprises see by building applications in Kubernetes, running containerized apps in production is a high-stakes game.
When downtime happens, your customers, reputation, and revenue are at risk. By protecting your K8s environments with the right management and securi…

Ransomware Protection & Recoverability For Cloud-Native Applications
Cyberattacks are on the rise. From retail to hotels and even schools, these attacks are painfully impacting organizations around the globe no matter the size
or industry. One recent ransomware attack led to the complete shutdown of the major U.S. gasoline pipeline that delivers 45% of the fuel to the entire east
coast. Enterprises and smaller organizations alike understand the damage caused by ransomware and have created various strategies to mitigate the imp…

Protecting & Migrating Red Hat OpenShift Container-Based Applications on AWS
Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) enables enterprises to develop, deliver and manage applications more efficiently than ever before. Kubernetes
applications being deployed on hybrid cloud infrastructure have quickly become critical, driving new requirements for application resiliency, including
migration and disaster recovery (DR) capabilities for enterprise operations. Join us for this webinar and demo to learn how to: - Protect both application dat…

Protecting SUSE Rancher Container-Based Apps with Cloud-Native Protection
SUSE Rancher enables enterprises to develop, deliver and manage applications more efficiently than ever before. Kubernetes and container-based
applications are widely being adopted by enterprises, driving a critical, new need for data protection and disaster recovery strategies. Why? Simply put,
traditional methods for backup simply cannot meet the dynamic requirements of this cloud-native world. They just weren’t built for it. Tune into the on-de…