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FortifyData - Cyber Risk Management

Webcasts Focused on Threat Exposure Management

FortifyData is an industry-leading Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) company that enables the enterprise to manage cyber risk across the organization. By combining automated attack surface assessments with asset classification, risk-based vulnerability management, security ratings and third-party risk management, you get an all-in-one cyber risk management platform. Follow our channel to learn how we give organizations a 360-degree view of their cyber risk exposure through provisioning comprehensive external and internal technology assessments, compliance-based control assessments, and collaborative third-party risk management solutions.
  • 1,144 Subscribers
  • 6 talks

Webcasts Focused on Threat Exposure Management

FortifyData is an industry-leading Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) company that enables the enterprise to manage cyber risk across the organization. By combining automated attack surface assessments with asset classification, risk-based vulnerability management, security ratings and third-party risk management, you get an all-in-one cyber risk management platform. Follow our channel to learn how we give organizations a 360-degree view of their cyber risk exposure through provisioning comprehensive external and internal technology assessments, compliance-based control assessments, and collaborative third-party risk management solutions.
  • 1,144 Subscribers
  • 6 talks