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Technology Research & Insights

Actionable insights for buyers and sellers of enterprise technology.

Stay up to speed with the latest enterprise tech market research from Enterprise Strategy Group. You’ll hear analysts and researchers provide expert
opinions on developments in cybersecurity, cloud, infrastructure, analytics, and more.
  • 471 Subscribers
  • 78 talks

Actionable insights for buyers and sellers of enterprise technology.

Stay up to speed with the latest enterprise tech market research from Enterprise Strategy Group. You’ll hear analysts and researchers provide expert
opinions on developments in cybersecurity, cloud, infrastructure, analytics, and more.
  • 471 Subscribers
  • 78 talks

On-demand talks

VDI and DaaS Trends in the Hybrid Digital Workplace

VDI and DaaS Trends in the Hybrid Digital Workplace

Hear about Enterprise Strategy Group’s latest research on VDI and DaaS Trends.

Navigating the Generative Al Partner and Alliance Landscape

Navigating the Generative Al Partner and Alliance Landscape

Hear about Enterprise Strategy Group’s latest research on the Generative Al Partner and Alliance Landscape.

Rethinking Database Requirements in the Age of AI

Rethinking Database Requirements in the Age of AI

Hear about Enterprise Strategy Group’s latest research on Database Requirements.

Architecting the Network for an AI-powered World

Architecting the Network for an AI-powered World

Hear about Enterprise Strategy Group’s latest research on network architecture and AI.

Cyber-risk Management Best Practices

Cyber-risk Management Best Practices

Hear about Enterprise Strategy Group’s latest research on Cyber-risk Management.

Midmarket and Small Enterprise Cybersecurity Program Development

Midmarket and Small Enterprise Cybersecurity Program Development

Hear about Enterprise Strategy Group’s latest research on Cybersecurity Program Development.

API Security from Development to Runtime

API Security from Development to Runtime

Hear about Enterprise Strategy Group’s latest research on API Security.

Managing Non-human Identities for an Effective Cybersecurity Program

Managing Non-human Identities for an Effective Cybersecurity Program

Hear about Enterprise Strategy Group’s latest research on Non-human Identities.