Netwrix PolicyPak
Now owned by Netwrix
Netwrix, a cybersecurity vendor that makes data security easy, announced the acquisition of PolicyPak. Netwrix PolicyPak is the premier destination for Modern Desktop Management and Security content. It features the best and brightest IT technologists in the world. If you want to stay up to date with PolicyPak solutions, please subscribe to our main Netwrix BrightTALK channel -
- 1,787 Subscribers
- 0 talks
Now owned by Netwrix
Netwrix, a cybersecurity vendor that makes data security easy, announced the acquisition of PolicyPak. Netwrix PolicyPak is the premier destination for Modern Desktop Management and Security content. It features the best and brightest IT technologists in the world. If you want to stay up to date with PolicyPak solutions, please subscribe to our main Netwrix BrightTALK channel -
- 1,787 Subscribers 0