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FinTech Marketing

We arm marketers from financial & tech sector with latest insights

FinTech Marketing brings together a community of specialist marketers from the financial services and technology industry. It provides its members with a unique platform to build and grow a network of marketing professionals, share insights and best practices, to train and learn and develop marketing careers through the mentoring programme in the niche sector that is FinTech. Visit us at to join as a FREE member.
  • 1,885 Subscribers
  • 156 talks

We arm marketers from financial & tech sector with latest insights

FinTech Marketing brings together a community of specialist marketers from the financial services and technology industry. It provides its members with a unique platform to build and grow a network of marketing professionals, share insights and best practices, to train and learn and develop marketing careers through the mentoring programme in the niche sector that is FinTech. Visit us at to join as a FREE member.
  • 1,885 Subscribers
  • 156 talks