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Reactions: Virtual Events Channel

Top-flight events content from the Reactions brand.

Roundtables, panels & events hosted by Reactions editors with the re/insurance industry's top executives.
  • 3,454 Subscribers
  • 1 talks

Top-flight events content from the Reactions brand.

Roundtables, panels & events hosted by Reactions editors with the re/insurance industry's top executives.
  • 3,454 Subscribers
  • 1 talks

On-demand talks

Diversity & Inclusion: Effective Leadership for Real Results

Diversity & Inclusion: Effective Leadership for Real Results

Susan Johnson, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer at The Hartford, leads a panel of experts in discussion of how to better approach D&I efforts through a
deeper understanding of the issues for all stakeholders. Featuring: Mo Tooker, Head of Middle & Large Commercial, The Hartford Joe B. Smith, President &
CEO, Smith Brothers Debbie Goldstine, EVP, U.S. Casualty Practice Leader, Lockton