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Conecte toda a sua organização com processamento e fluxos de dados em tempo real
As empresas modernas mantêm seus dados em constante movimento. Descubra como conectar facilmente seus aplicativos, sistemas e toda a sua
organização com processamento e fluxos de dados em tempo real. Não perca a oportunidade de ouvir o co-fundador do Confluent e Apache Kafka, Jun Ra…
On-demand talks

Conecte toda a sua organização com processamento e fluxos de dados em tempo real
As empresas modernas mantêm seus dados em constante movimento. Descubra como conectar facilmente seus aplicativos, sistemas e toda a sua
organização com processamento e fluxos de dados em tempo real. Não perca a oportunidade de ouvir o co-fundador do Confluent e Apache Kafka, Jun Rao,
e as histórias de sucesso de clientes da Confluent: • Core Banking com Itaú-Unibanco • Arquitetura Orientada a Eventos com SulAmérica

Conecte toda su empresa con flujos y procesamiento de datos en tiempo real
Las empresas modernas tienen sus datos en constante movimiento. Descubre cómo conectar fácilmente tus aplicaciones, sistemas y toda tu organización
con flujos y procesamiento de datos en tiempo real. Escuche al cofundador de Apache Kafka y Confluent: Jun Rao, al igual que los casos de éxito de los
clientes de Confluent: • SulAmérica y la Arquitectura Orientada a Eventos • Lifemiles y su Programa de Lealtad al Cliente

The Future of Kafka
What is the future of Kafka beyond messaging? Join Tim Berglund, Head of OSS Kafka Developer Community, to talk about what the future holds for Kafka.
This talk will cover some of the concepts and capabilities of ksqlDB, which allows many interesting forward-thinking use cases. We’ll show how you can apply
transformations to a stream of events from one Kafka topic to another. We will also be discussing using ksqlDB connectors to bring in data from other syste…

Unlock Data by Connecting Confluent Cloud with Azure Cosmos DB
Building modern cloud applications requires companies to unlock their data from every aspect of their business with real-time access. Confluent Cloud
integrated with Azure Cosmos DB enables companies to automate and integrate data and events across any system, at any scale in near real-time.
Connecting Confluent Cloud with Cosmos DB allows companies to streamline infrastructure, increase development velocity, unveil new use cases, and analy…
Build Fully Managed Data Pipelines with MongoDB Atlas and Confluent
Today’s data sources are fast-moving and dispersed, which can leave businesses and engineers struggling to deliver data and applications in real-time. While
this can be hard, we know it doesn’t have to be - because we’ve already made it easy. With source and sink connectors deployed with just a few clicks,
Confluent and MongoDB Atlas are making it simple to stream data from any source directly into MongoDB, regardless of which cloud you use. Our fully man…

Industry Forum Series - Insurance
Insurance companies have always been data centric businesses. Disruption is the new normal as digital native insurance companies gain traction in the
market. One challenge facing all property and casualty insurers is the many forms of fraud that raise premium prices. The FBI estimates that around $40
Billion is lost annually* to fraud related to property and casualty insurance. Capturing events in real time and looking through an event driven lens can dram…

Legacy Modernization Forum Series - Microservices
Microservices architecture enables organizations to evolve their systems away from the slow and unresponsive shared-state architectures of the past.
Event-driven microservices decouple systems, teams, and products, and streamlines application development. Take a a deep dive into how you can use
Confluent Cloud to explore event-driven architectures and how they are being applied across industries.

Preparing for KeyBank's Digital Banking Future with Google and Confluent
Hear from KeyBank and how they are leveraging Confluent Platform and Google’s Business Application Platform (Google Cloud’s Anthos and Apigee) to drive
ongoing digitization initiatives such as real-time fraud detection, lead management, and microservices.