Latest Talk
Enhancing Security with Hybrid Cloud Filtering
Impero’s web filtering solution for schools protects students on all devices, regardless of their location. Learn how to improve cyber security in your school by
attending this webinar hosted by top industry experts. Benefits of attending: • Learn how to secure all sources of web traffic in your school • Understand h…
On-demand talks

Enhancing Security with Hybrid Cloud Filtering
Impero’s web filtering solution for schools protects students on all devices, regardless of their location. Learn how to improve cyber security in your school by
attending this webinar hosted by top industry experts. Benefits of attending: • Learn how to secure all sources of web traffic in your school • Understand how
to develop threat prevention strategies • Discover how to use reports and intelligence gathered • Gain a deeper understanding of the helpful features of Co…

Overcoming Retail Security Challenges in 2023
Join our live webinar to get key insights from the world's top retail solutions provider on what it means to keep your retail organization secure and productive
in 2023. In this event co-hosted by Barry Cox, Hardware Infrastructure Portfolio Manager at Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions, we will talk about security
challenges and trends for 2023, where our organizations can come in to help and takeaways for IT teams & managers in the retail space.

Impero Connect: Remote Access pentru Banking și Instituții Financiare
Impero Connect ajută băncile, cooperativele de credit, companiile de asigurări și instituțiile financiare, în general, să funcționeze în siguranță și eficient,
indiferent unde se află oamenii și dispozitivele. Descoperiți alături de partenerii noștri de la TXD IT Solutions funcțiile și beneficiile soluției noastre de remote

8 Must-Have Remote Access Features
Remote access is more important than ever as workplaces are becoming more distributed and global - a trend that began long before the COVID-19
pandemic and is expected to accelerate. However, these remote connections have become a common target for hackers. Many remote access tools are
vulnerable to flaws and exploits and even some popular ones have weaknesses that can put your business at risk. In this webinar, learn about the 8 essenti…

The Impero Connect Portal - Cloud Remote Access w/ Websmart AB
The Impero Connect Portal is a central hub for managing network access and providing remote support. Join us for this webinar to see how the
browser-based support console for lightweight, go-anywhere remote control and fast collaboration works.

The Impero Connect Portal - Remote Access in the Cloud
Impero Connect offers flexible deployment options for cloud, on-premises or hybrid environments. With the cloud version of this solution, companies can
work effectively and securely, regardless of where people and devices are connected. During this webinar, we will present the portal version of our solution
and the most important features in terms of security, performance and connectivity. At the end of the presentation, there will also be a Q&A session. The e…