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Catalyst for Cloud Migration: VMware Cloud Web Security
As enterprises adopt SaaS and Internet applications, today’s anywhere workforce is exposed to a changing threat landscape. IT needs visibility into
sanctioned and unsanctioned applications, exercising control and compliance while protecting users and infrastructure. VMware Cloud Web Security is a clo…
On-demand talks

Catalyst for Cloud Migration: VMware Cloud Web Security
As enterprises adopt SaaS and Internet applications, today’s anywhere workforce is exposed to a changing threat landscape. IT needs visibility into
sanctioned and unsanctioned applications, exercising control and compliance while protecting users and infrastructure. VMware Cloud Web Security is a cloud
hosted service of VMware SASE that ensures users can access their applications without the fear of threats or concern about compliance – and IT can keep …

Agile Security for a Dynamic Distributed Workforce: VMware Cloud Web Security
Enterprise IT needs to protect the network, devices, and data against threats while users are accessing SaaS and Internet applications without compromising
their productivity. VMware Cloud Web Security, delivered as a cloud hosted service from the VMware SASE Platform, ensures threat protection while offering
visibility, control and compliance. Using a single management pane for networking and security services, VMware Cloud Web Security performs policy enfor…

Networking and Security are Converging in the Cloud: Are you Ready?
In Frost & Sullivan’s Global Cloud survey, 52% of the respondents said they have deployed Cloud IaaS and 42% said they currently use hybrid cloud. While
cloud adoption continues to grow, enterprises have generally struggled to implement and maintain a secure, high-performing WAN that allows for efficient
access to cloud-based applications across their user base. If you consider the distributed nature of enterprise applications, and now the increasingly distrib…

VMware Edge Network Intelligence for the Anywhere Workforce
VMware Edge Network Intelligence™ brings the AIOps advantage when end users access applications in the cloud. It proactively manages the client
experience for all end user and IoT devices through wireless and wired LAN, SD-WAN, and SASE. Join this session to understand how enterprises benefit from
VMware Edge Network Intelligence and gain deep insights for proactive remediation and automation.

Secure and Optimize Your Network to Work From Anywhere
VMware Work from Anywhere (WFA) solutions rapidly enable a remote workforce with enterprise performance and security, consumer simplicity, and
cloud-scale. With WFA solutions based on VMware’s industry-leading networking and security convergence platform, organizations can help employees
working from anywhere to carry out business activities with onsite-like experience and productivity while maintaining security and control and lowering cost…

Large-scale SD-WAN deployment: How do you roll out 9000 edges in 9 days?
What happens when you suddenly have to support 80% of your users working from home? With many enterprise employees working remotely, companies
need to quickly deploy a work from anywhere solution to provide people the same user and application experience as if they were in the office. Join this
session to get an in-depth understanding of how VMware SD-WAN™ can help deploy a large number of VMware SD-WAN Edges quickly and efficiently into h…

Boost Your Work from Home Experience
Tolly benchmarked the quality of service and remediation capabilities of VMware SD-WAN to improve the end user experience for VoIP and work from home
(WFH) applications. They found that VMware SD-WAN can remediate packet loss and deliver a high-quality experience, even under adverse network
conditions. The results showed that there’s an improvement of up to 45% in the quality of a VoIP call with a 2% packet loss. In addition, in a WFH environme…

Optimizing Remote Worker Connectivity to Cloud Applications using SD-WAN Gateway
In the 2019 Frost & Sullivan Global Cloud end-user survey, 57% of the respondents indicated they have deployed Cloud IaaS and 41% say they currently use
SaaS applications. Increase application availability or uptime, and deliver applications faster to users, are among the top five reasons businesses are
embracing cloud. However, implementing and maintaining a secure, high performing WAN that allows for efficient access to cloud-based applications can b…