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The Blockchain Channel

Keep up-to-date on the latest Blockchain news and insights

Blockchain technology has taken the world by storm. From blockchain 101, to the latest news on cryptocurrencies, to more advanced skills needed to get to grips with the technology, subscribe to this channel where leading experts will get you up to speed on all things blockchain and distributed ledger. MintBit was created to increase awareness and understanding about the blockchain and its use in business models. Let's take the first step on your blockchain journey - together!
  • 14,192 Subscribers
  • 3 talks

Keep up-to-date on the latest Blockchain news and insights

Blockchain technology has taken the world by storm. From blockchain 101, to the latest news on cryptocurrencies, to more advanced skills needed to get to grips with the technology, subscribe to this channel where leading experts will get you up to speed on all things blockchain and distributed ledger. MintBit was created to increase awareness and understanding about the blockchain and its use in business models. Let's take the first step on your blockchain journey - together!
  • 14,192 Subscribers
  • 3 talks